Category: Uncategorized
Chiropractic Care for Military Personnel
Thanks to Congressional support, chiropractic care is now available in several VA hospitals and clinics. Unfortunately, it is not available to many active-duty military personnel. Research currently being conducted by the Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research in conjunction with the RAND Corporation and Samueli Institute will hopefully lead to chiropractic care being available for all…
Rethinking Meal Frequency
For years I have recommended eating smaller meals more frequently to help reduce spikes in blood glucose levels. Researchers in the Czech Republic found that eating a larger breakfast and lunch was better than eating six small meals. All participants had Type II diabetes and were on oral diabetes medication. Each participant consumed reduced-calorie, high-fiber…
The Magic Pill
It seems like we’re all looking for that “Magic Pill” that will cure all our ills. Some of us look for it in the pharmacy, others look in the vitamin isle, but there is no such pill. At a recent provider meeting with UPMC Health Plan, it was stated that 75% of Disease and Costs…
Chiropractic Care for Children
I have been receiving chiropractic care since I was a child, as have my children and their children. I am convinced that the best time to treat an injury to the spine is immediately after it has occurred—not years later. Some people have concerns about the safety of chiropractic adjustments for children. Dr. Elise Hewitt…
Question: What is “Gentle Chiropractic Care”?
Gentle chiropractic care means that I use the minimum amount of force necessary to adjust a person’s spine. Clearly a 20-year-old weight-lifter is going to require more forceful adjustments than an 80-year-old grandmother, but many patients tell me that my adjustments are gentle in comparison to other chiropractors they have seen. I also use a…
An apple a day…
We’ve often heard the old saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While it may take more than one apple, Sophie Egan makes the case for eating fruit in a recent article in the New York Times. She cites Dr. David Ludwig who said “that sugar consumed in fruit is not linked to…
Question: Are “walk-ins” welcome?
Yes, I welcome the opportunity to provide chiropractic care for anyone who needs it. I do, however, encourage people to call in advance. The reason is simple: I don’t like to keep people waiting. Anyone who has been in my Shippenville office knows that there are only three chairs in the waiting room and they’re…
The Positive Side of Allergies
A short article entitled “Celebrating Allergies” is found in the “QuickThots” section of the April/May 2013 issue of Today’s Chiropractic LifeStyle magazine. Due to its short length, I have reprinted it in its entirety. “In April 2012, researchers at Yale discovered that seasonal allergies are actually a sign that the immune system is functioning regularly…
Insurance Coverage of Preventive Care
Insurance has traditionally paid for sickness and accidental injury. While there has been a trend toward coverage for preventive care in recent years (e.g., diabetic care), preventive chiropractic care is still not covered by most insurances. Medicare describes preventive care as “maintenance care” and defines it as a “[t]reatment plan that seeks to prevent disease,…
Medicare Regulations Surpass U. S. Tax Code
My daughter’s only piece of advice on writing a blog was “keep it positive.” That’s not an easy task when I just spent the past few weeks working on my tax returns. The complexity of the federal tax code never ceases to amaze me. Even with help, it took hours to complete my tax returns.…