It seems like we’re all looking for that “Magic Pill” that will cure all our ills. Some of us look for it in the pharmacy, others look in the vitamin isle, but there is no such pill. At a recent provider meeting with UPMC Health Plan, it was stated that 75% of Disease and Costs are due to behavior. We were asked if we could say “yes” to all five of the following statements:
- I am within five pounds of my ideal body weight.
- I exercise 30 minutes or more most days of the week.
- I eat a healthy diet with five fruits/vegetables most days.
- I don’t use tobacco products.
- I have two or fewer alcoholic drinks per day.
I could not. Very few can—only 6% nationally, 3% in Western Pa. The truth is that good health doesn’t come from a pill—it comes from a lifetime of healthy choices. Most of us already know that—it just a matter of putting it into practice.